Sunday, April 25, 2010

Down to the wire...

We got a call from our caseworker a couple days ago...our Home Study is nearly completed!!! WAHOO!!! Soon we'll be able to view bulletins for kiddos who are ready to be adopted and, hopefully, have our little one in our home by Christmas. Thanks to everyone who's been a part of this... Your prayers, references, kind words of support, etc. have been helpful.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Camp Cascade

WE LOVE CAMPING!!! Of course, our version of camping as a family is sleeping in a heated lodge with indoor plumbing. :o)

We decided to go to Camp Cascade in Lyons, OR to "hang out" while Elizabeth worked (one of the two jobs Elizabeth does is the Clerical Manager for Camp Cascade; this weekend, the on-site staff needed help cooking meals for the two large groups that were there during that time).

Surprisingly, it snowed Friday night. The kids got to have a late night snowball fight. Sam put small snowballs on top of the wood stove and watched the water evaporate. Everyone had a lot of fun.

The snow was there the next day, so we got some pretty pictures. It was gone by the time we left though...

Abby invited a friend, so the girls went to the North Fork River on Saturday to wade in the water, take more pictures, and skip rocks.

We got to eat the food that was made for the groups that were there, too. We ate lasagna for dinner Friday night, had root beer floats for dessert Friday night, French toast and bacon for breakfast on Saturday, and chili and cornbread for lunch before we left for home on Saturday.

Now, that's camping!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Home Study was a SUCCESS!!

I guess it was just fear of the unknown... I had no idea what to expect with the Home Study. I thought our caseworker (CW) was going to come over with a clipboard and camera, wiping surfaces with her finger to make sure it's clean, and checking all the nooks and crannies. But, I was wrong. It was much more laid back and easy going. I suppose my idea of "clean" is being anal about all the little things. That's okay though; I think it made the Home Study go more smoothly.

Abby waited outside for CW to show up, so she was the first kid to meet her. CW came in and met the other two kids. Megan was her usual shy self and Sam was a little apprehensive, but eventually they both warmed up to CW. Abby gave her a tour of the house. Sam showed her his "fort" and all the things he made out of wood. We all sat and talked about adoption: what to expect, when to expect things to happen, etc. We were told not to expect anything to happen for about a year. I think that'll be good, though. It'll give us all time to prepare...

Friday, February 5, 2010


Travis and I (Elizabeth) had our first appointment today with our adoption caseworker. Prior to today, it seemed that things were going very quickly. Then, we found out today that the Home Study will take 3-months, then it's about a year before we get to adopt. In order to adopt, our caseworker will act as our "lawyer", in a sense. You see, there is a committee formed for each child needing to be adopted. Any families wanting to adopt a specific child, has their caseworker represent them in front of the committee. The caseworker tells the committee why your family is the "right fit" for the child, and vice versa. So, our caseworker has to visit with us at our home to see what we are see how CRAZY we are. ;o) It's interesting to learn about.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Life is so random... Elizabeth recently had Appendicitis and had to undergo her first surgery. The experience was a good one. The pain at the beginning was so bad, but the relief she felt after the surgery was such a huge difference, that overall it was a good experience. The kids had a hard time with the idea of Mommy having to go to the hospital. When Travis took Elizabeth to the ER, Abby had a VERY worried look on her face. After the tests were done and the surgery had taken place, Travis called and talked with the kids. They were much better...except for Megan. She heard that Mommy got "cut open" and thought Daddy let the doctor cut her open while she laid there screaming. Luckily, Grandpa explained the concept of surgery to her. As soon as Megan understood that Mommy was asleep and didn't feel a thing, she was content. Elizabeth checked into the ER Sunday evening, surgery was early Monday morning, the kids went to the hospital to visit Monday morning and Monday evening, and Elizabeth went home Tuesday morning before noon.

Adoption... Travis and Elizabeth finished Foster Care/Adoption classes through the State about a week ago. We are very apprehensive about foster care, but who knows. We are just mostly worried about having to deal with the biological parents, which we would have to do if we do foster care. We can't wait to see our little one!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking into adoption...

We have been talking for a long time about adopting another little one to join our family and have recently felt the urge to get it going.  We filled out an application for LDS Family Services.  It's a 6-month to 2-year average wait to adopt.  I have a friend who is starting to do foster care for infants only.  She said it's a lot less expensive to go that route.  My concerns about doing foster care are: that my kids will get too attached to a baby and then have that baby leave us, and that change is such a HUGE thing for Sam that if there's too many babies coming and going then he'll get discouraged (as will the girls) and want to give up.  I really hope the waiting won't take long.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Latest Update

Oh my goodness... Life is so busy. Elizabeth just recently got called as the Nursery Leader, after being one of the Young Girls Leaders for almost two years. Travis is still working with the Deacons as their teacher and Assistant Scout Master. Abby is almost 11 and informs us everyday that she is a "tween". Sam is almost 9; he still likes to have things HIS way. Megan is almost 7. Her birthday is on Easter this year. Her two front teeth are almost in.

Next month, we'll be going to Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Travis's grandfather is going to get married. He's about 80-years old. It'll be in Idaho on March 14.

Therefore, we'll be driving to Idaho, staying with Travis's sister and her kids. Then, we'll be checking out Yellowstone National Park. It'll be our first time ever going there. Then, we'll be going to Utah to make the rounds visiting family. After the wedding, we'll be heading back home. A quick trip that'll hopefully be fun!

Our friends, Lila & Joel (their blog link is on the right), just got sealed as a family with their cute adopted son, Calvin. We are soooo happy for them! What a great thing to be a forever family!

Family Pix taken by Lila on 9.6.08

Misc Pix of Us Through the Years